Thursday, July 23, 2009


We enter this world screaming
We leave much the same way
Our silent screams often never heard
And the time between not mattering

We live but to praise the heavens
Knowing full well who sets the sun
Who lights the stars and the moon
The same breathes life into being

We are here but one brief moment
Merely playing through on our way out
The sounds so sweet and majestic
And the melodious tune is heard by all

The passing is one that's so bittersweet
A time we knew would be here all too soon
We have played along with the band
But now our melody no longer lingers


  1. You really have a broad range of subjects and scenerios, but all are emotionally charged. Your Mom did a good job!

  2. Thanks John, you are always my Barnabas, encouraging me further and further. I call myself blessed to have a friend like you.

  3. You have an exceptional eye for photography, too!

  4. WOW this is deep and beautiful.
