Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Harley T-Shirt

All my life I wanted a Harley Davidson bike
and my friends thought I'd lost my mind

No one I knew had or even wanted one
but still...I did

Harley's were for the young and restless
not for a young white haired grandmother

I never got my Harley, but I did get a scooter
And it is just the perfect ride for me

I love the sound my bike makes
when the motor is revved it is music to my ears

Only on my bike can I ride with the wind
feeling the exhilaration as the world rushes by

The time I spend riding my bike is like heaven
as the bird and I become one in spirit

No one owns this mighty rushing wind
and the clean, fresh air I breathe is mine

Finally waking from my long nights dream
I realize I've just slept in my Harley T shirt again

My world now takes on a different view


  1. Clarene,
    I truly understand the freedom. I have riden a bike for years. I got my first tatse on a Vespa at the tender age of 12. I graduated to a Yamaha 250 at 23 and continued to upgrade. We now have a Yamaha Star 750.
    Keep riding

  2. Hey Clarene,
    Love your poetry!!! Keep up the good work. The first thing I do in the morning is listen to Garrison K. read one a poem on the Writers Almanac. Now I look forward to your work as well. Keep it up girl. You turn a good poem.


  3. Hey Lil, Did you really get a scooter? I just sold my H-D Ultra Classic. I have a 99 H-D Soft Tail to sell,too. When I get this one sold, I plan to buy a Honda Gold Wing and turn it into a trike. I don't trust my knees any more to hold up a heavy bike. With the trike I won't have to hold it up.


  4. DAMN!!!! Now you're a "Biker Broad"!!!!

  5. Well...What can I say! You look good on that thing, but be careful and watch out for those who aren't! It would be hard to write your beautiful poetry with your arm in a cast! Watch out for the guy who isn't watching out for you...........

  6. Looking forward to a ride over to the river with you soon. Please bring the picnic lunch - fried chicken, taters, slaw, etc. Nice machine!
