Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Becoming a Man

As the frost lies softly on the forest floor
And the ice slips from the tips of the pine
The sun slowly rises from its sleeping place
And cast an eerie shadow across my path
I am Clenched Fist; I have seen ten winters

Today I go into the woods for the deer
Armed with bow and arrow, I slowly enter
I have no fear, for I am the mighty hunter......
The heart of the buffalo beats beneath my skin

Today I will gain the respect of the elders
Crouched low to the ground I crawl forward
Toward the prey that I alone must bring down
There, in the clearing up ahead, I see the white tail

But as I get closer I see it is a doe with her fawn
She is lying hidden and helpless in the dense foliage
This mighty warrior should be void of all feelings
But as my heart is beating faster and louder
The frightened fawn snuggles in closer to the doe

She smells me for I am not down wind
I cannot let go of the arrow; no not today
Just standing and gazing on this beautiful sight
Brings tears to my eyes of ten winters

Maybe tomorrow I will return and prove my manhood
But for today, my heart is bigger than my pride.....

Clarene Evans


  1. I love it, I love all your native American poems.
    Keep writing.

  2. Great story.God watches out for all his creatures.

  3. I love this photograph, the graphics, the layout, the poem and would like to know more about your photos of Native Americans and your knowledge of Native American (Chickasaw?) stories and culture. All best, Terry Everett
