No comet fell when I was born but still I am here
A beating heart on this planet we call... Earth
The celestial beings have no more station than I
For I am God's creature and made in His likeness
Memories for me start at age two
When Mama brought home my new baby brother
School came at age six and life's cruelty at thirteen
At fourteen I finally became a woman
The summer I turned eighteen, I found love
A sweet precious love like no other
A love I could never have and also never forget
That love will plague me until my death
Oh Life, why did you make me choose
Why did you not let me be foolish... just once
That choice sealed my life forever in time
...........Or so I thought...........
My children came in my twenties
Hard work and tears ruled my thirties
Complacency in my forties; retirement in my fifties
And then I started a new life at sixty three
My life is passing so quickly now and soon death will come
But if by chance I could ever pass this way again
Next time I'd be more mindful of my heart
And I'd make sure my love would not come back void
You hit me right square in the face with this one, with the exception of gender, you parallelled my life. Kinda like we share a commomn bond here!
ReplyDeleteWell John, I suppose the ones of us who read, write and understand poetry are the ones who are the most vulnerable. We know emotion and pain.